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Are you struggling with...

urgency, frequency, or bladder pain? What about joint pain, muscle pain or weakness, insomnia, rapid heartbeat, recurrent rashes or hives, eczema, difficulty concentrating or focusing, fatigue, weight loss/gain, cold/heat intolerance, hair loss, gastrointestinal issues, such as abdominal discomfort, mood issues, seasonal allergies, bloating, diarrhea or constipation, migraines, hormone imbalance, pelvic pain, lower back pain, headaches, brain fog, low energy?


Are you facing the challenges of interstitial cystitis and feeling overwhelmed, lost, and confused? If you're on a quest to uncover the root causes of your condition and seek hope, you've come to the right place.

Our body's defense (the immune system) and inflammation are big players in health problems, including interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). If you're dealing with IC, you might recognize symptoms linked to chronic inflammation – a sign that your body is out of balance. Long-lasting inflammation can mess with our body's harmony, impacting various tissues and organs.

The key to true and lasting solutions for reversing IC lies in getting to the root of it all. IC can be particularly challenging because its causes and symptoms vary from person to person. Unfortunately, many doctors may not fully grasp this variability, leaving those desperate for relief without adequate support.

The journey to wellness begins with uncovering your unique root causes and addressing them head-on, and we're here to assist you every step of the way. Whether through insightful books, one-on-one consulting, an online course, customizing your diet, or assembling a team of professionals, IC Wellness is dedicated to supporting you. We'll be by your side, providing guidance and support throughout your journey. There is hope, and together, we can work towards reclaiming your health and life.


Elisabeth Yaotani 

is an author, the founder of IC Wellness, host of the IC Wellness Podcast, recipe creator, and advocate for empowering individuals with interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS)  through dietary and lifestyle changes.

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How I Got My Life Back
My Journey with Interstitial Cystitis 

At 29, I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis (IC). I endured debilitating pain for over a decade while trying to manage my symptoms, but my health continued deteriorating. Conventional medicine let me down, providing only symptom management that felt like a temporary fix and ultimately left me in a worsened condition. It wasn't until an entire decade later that I was introduced to functional medicine and decided to change my diet and lifestyle. As I witnessed my symptoms gradually improve, I became intrigued by the idea that I might have more control over my health than I had initially realized. This curiosity led me to delve into extensive research on the roles genetics, inflammation, immunity, proper supplementation, diet, pelvic floor dysfunction, infections, stress, and overall lifestyle play in an individual's well-being. After implementing these changes, I successfully put my IC into remission. 

I've found that a holistic approach to healing, meaning viewing and treating the body as a whole system, has been effective and life-changing in addressing interstitial cystitis. 

Join me on a powerful and transformative journey in my book 'How I Got My Life Back' as I share my inspiring triumph over interstitial cystitis (IC). This book offers invaluable insights and guidance, providing hope and practical solutions for those facing the challenges of IC/BPS

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Get Your Copy 


Featuring a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Dr. Amy Myers, MD, and co-authored by Dr. Patricia Deckert, DO, "How I Got My Life Back" offers informational and practical solutions for confronting IC directly. Start your journey towards health and wellness today by getting your copy.

The Complete IC Diet Cookbook

Navigating meal preparation with interstitial cystitis can feel overwhelming, but a new path to holistic well-being awaits! Author Elisabeth Yaotani and nutritionist Brianne Thornton, MS, RD, have teamed up to bring you 70+ nutritious and delectable recipes meticulously crafted to cater to clean eating and optimum health for IC and autoimmunity concerns.

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Book Bundle

Save 20% 

Embark on a transformative journey towards health and well-being with our exclusive Book Bundle. This exceptional bundle brings together two essential reads that hold the potential to revolutionize your health and perspective. Carefully curated, it seamlessly merges the compelling content of "How I Got My Life Back" with the practical and delectable offerings of "The Complete IC Diet Cookbook." And now, these two enriching volumes are available together, giving you an extraordinary opportunity to save 20% on this valuable combination.

Explore our Shop

The IC Wellness store offers a curated selection of products and resources designed to support individuals in managing interstitial cystitis and improving their overall well-being.


The Complete IC Basics Course

Immerse yourself in an eight-week transformative course, offering a self-paced online experience with lifelong access. It embraces a holistic approach, considering the interconnected physical and mental aspects of your body, empowering you on a healing journey, and providing unique insights from experts within the IC Community to improve your health and take ownership of your health journey.

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